Tuesday, 27 February 2007

today oran is five

well he made it in one peice my baby is five today, dosent time just fly past its quite scarrey really, so for his birthday he got a baby rabbit a white one that looks like it has eyeliner on its very cute, also a couple of board games and of course no birtday is complete with out a cake.

the crop i was so looking forward too tonight is probably a no no my scrap mummy cant make it and i dont have the details of where it is so i probably wont make it, im so dissapointed about that.
had made arrangements with my sister paula to go help her on the allotment to day but its pouring down with rain, so we didnt go she is delighted that some of the seeds she has planted with the boys have started to sprout and she cant wait for the boyss to go up and see them


Betty Jo said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet little Oran. Sandy thanks for your comment but I wasn't sure I understood the part about my photos. Are you asking to use them in your layouts? I'm flattered that you like them but I would rather none of my photos be removed from my blog or used by others. Please let me know if I misunderstood your question.

mrsnesbitt said...

Happy Birthday little soldier!

Betty Jo said...

Sandy thanks so much for asking first and your understanding. You are such a Sweetheart. I looked for an email to write to you privately, but couldn't find one. I use many of my photos in designs that I sell. I'm also planning a line of greeting cards with my photos. That project will have to wait until I'm all moved first though. :0)


I'm the cute one in the middle. a rose between thorns... lol

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