Saturday, 24 February 2007

two little birds

yesterday we had two little birds stuck in our avairy, we think they were coal tits but we arent sure, the door on the avairy had broken off in the bad winds, good job we didnt have any finches or canary's in there at the time, well these two little birds somehow found there way in there and were making a real racket, i was frightend a cat would get in and corner them and hurt them, i think they were just looking for a place to nest and there is a huge nesting box in there, once in there i was convinced they couldnt find there way back out they kept flying back and forward and landing on the perch above the door but not actually finding the opening, i got simon home from work to help get them out one had already gotten out by this time the other just flew from one side to the other acting very distressed, simon went in there and tied a bag to the top of the door to distract it from landing on the perch, but it didnt do the job, then it promptly flew past him and out the door, lol!!! if they come back in ill just leave them to get on with it, and make there nest in there as long as the door is ajar i think they will be fine.

i have an adopted scrap mummy

i joined ukscrappers some time ago and was put up for adoption, basically they pair you up with another member and you can pick there brains, well it turns out its the lady i was talking with yesterday, that lives quite near to me so that will be great, hopefully there will be a great inprovement with my layouts, now i have a mentor to explain and show me hints and tips.

power washer exchanged

i took the power washer back and guess what....... yeah you guessed.... they didnt have another well not the same model that is, so being as my lovely youngest child decided to decorate the living room window and front door with mud cakes, i was desperate for one so i had to put an extra 20 pound to one, not a happy bunny about that, Oran's explanation for doing what he did was that Ewan was pulling faces at him through the window and annoying him,
will this child survive to making up five next week............, not if he carrys on like he has this week any longer, we didnt go into the reason of the mud all down the front door, after telling him off for the windows and expecting a sorry mummy all i got was a ok BIG BUM!!. boy is he treading on thin ice.

cute baby shoes

i couldnt resist i just had to have a go at making these and they turned out quite well.... really cute. so i got carried away and made more and more, now i have all these cute little shoes and absolutley no idea of what to do with them.... any ideas anyone?

Bowland wild boar park

had a trip here today got lots of pics il post tommorrow, its to late to upload right now. we had a lovely day out, and the boys came home with two baby bunny rabbits, i couldnt say no they were so cute just running around in the barn, it was fun watching simon and joe one of the workers, trying to catch the rabbits, boy were they fast, the rabbits that is, we have this strange occurance when its the boys birthdays simon always comes home with baby something or others, last year it was six2 week old ducklings.

i have more exciting things to tell about our day out but you will have to wait for that till everything is sorted if its not to late

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I'm the cute one in the middle. a rose between thorns... lol

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