been lurking
I know my sister hates people that do this but i have a bad case of scrappers block, so I have been lurking around the net searching for ideas for layouts and have come across some awesome lo and some great sites that i had never come across before so thanks to all those people who have great links on there blogs. and no i wont be copying the layouts exactly ill be tweeking them a little to make them mine, please take as a complement that your layouts were so nice they made me say wow i want to do one like that
Blogger been playing up! can't reply to you at the moment. Will get back to you.
Hi there, thank you for your comment on my blog, its always lovely to hear from people.
Just been looking at your layouts and boy! if you've just started!!! Wow! your layouts are lovely.
The only thing I'd say is scrap for yourself and not what others think - I fell into that trap when I started, never thinking my stuff was good enough...then I realised that if I liked it that was all that mattered.
Sites like Pencil Lines and UKS etc are fab for inspiration (but then you already know that lol!). If you belong to a site like UKS deffo take part in a "Cyber Crop" as they are great fun and show you some new and older ideas - and you don't need to have the exact supplies they state, just use what you have and it will be totally unique.
Good luck! Can't wait to see more.
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